How do you keep the troops busy when they are camped in Penryn waiting for D-day? Well, you give them the task of building a Grotto.
In 1944 as American Service men based in the town were building and planning for D-Day their Padre, Father Lynch was discussing ways to, ‘keep them out of trouble’, with the local Mother Superior. The result of that conversation can still be seen today although not entirely as it was on completion it is still very much a wonderful place to discover.
A, ‘Grotto’, dedicated to, Our Lady of Lourdes can be found at the bottom of an almost secret flight of narrow granite steps just inside the entrance to the original main drive of the Tremough Estate, ( now known as the Falmouth University, Penryn Campus).
A star shaped pond sits in the center this along with two large granite blocks bearing names and the completion date, pay tribute to the American service men that completed the project. Originally a kneeling statue of Saint Bernadette Looking toward, Our Lady of Lourdes were the main focus. Sadly due to vandalism both statues were removed to save further damage.
On June 8th at 3pm a D-Day Memorial service led by Father Jon Bielowski will be held in the Grotto. For more information please follow this LINK.